Beeco Jumbo Smoker

Common price: AUD105.00 Our price: AUD110.00 each

Beekeeping Gloves - Leather (Size 2XL)

AUD110.00 (AUD100.00 excl GST) each 


The Beeco Jumbo smoker is the only smoker we recommend and sell to beekeepers whether you are a hobbyist or a large commercial beekeeper. We have tried all types of smokers beekeeping career and have arrived at the Beeco Jumbo smoker as the best all-around unit.

This smoker is designed and made in Australia by a commercial beekeeper and therefore is tried and tested in Australian conditions. Firstly, the bellow design draws air in from a vent at the top of the bellow and blows it out the bottom into the furnace. A lot of the cheaper products draw and blow from the same location which presents a considerable fire danger as it pulls hot coal from the furnace each time the smoker is puffed. This coal falls onto the ground and can often ignite dry grass.

Secondly, unlike smaller body smokers, it easy to light and it stays alight. The smaller smokers are inclined to go out if they are not consistently puffed. As you can imagine, the last thing you need is to have the smoker go out while you are working your beehives. It is important to have a smoke on tap to manage the attitude of your bees. If you have to relight your smoker mid-way through working a colony, your honeybees attitude will diminish quickly and the end result could be you and anyone close by having their exposed parts of the body stung off.

If you’re a hobbyist and are tempted by the cheap bee smokers on the basis that you don't use it often, stop and think about it this way. Buy the best quality and design smoker now and you could have your Beeco Jumbo smoker for life. Finally, use-ability is important. The Beeco smoker is easy to light, soft to puff and will give you the peace of mind that you can depend on it when you need it. It just might save your arse…


We also have regular size Beeco Smoker for $100