10 Frame - Entrance Reducer (Closer) with 2 shutters

AUD5.50 each

1.8 Litre Entrance Feeder (Not compatible with Nuc & Mate Hive)


The new generation of Paradise Hive Entrance Reducer includes two sliding closers.  This enables you to adjust the size of the hive entrance to suit any conditions.  For example, if you have a weak colony, the entrance can be reduced to a very small opening making it easier for the colony to defend itself.  It also makes the entrance too small for rodents such as mice to squeeze into the beehive.

When closed, it becomes an entrance closer sealing off the entrance making it easy to transport beehives during daylight hours.

Please note: the old style of Entrance Reducer was discontinued and no longer available.

New style on the pictuer above will fit the 10 Frame Paradise Bottom (Base) Board.